jeudi 6 mars 2014

Amateur Astronomy

Amateur Astronomy

orion telescopes reviews

Amateur astronomy has been around since the days of the caveman. Study and observation of the night sky has played an important role in the history of mankind throughout the centuries. Amateur astronomy is a hobby that is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world. They observe the night sky by using portable telescopes and binoculars.

Amateur astronomy differs from professional astronomy in that there is no formal funding for amateur astronomy individuals or groups. Amateur astronomers usually observe heavenly objects and phenomena. Most concentrate on observing the moon, planets, stars, comets, meteor showers, and sometimes deep sky objects like star clusters, galaxies, and nebulae.

orion telescopes reviews

Amateur astronomy sometimes develops into amateur astrophotography. Amateur astrophotography is the taking of photographs of the night sky. As the high-quality equipment required for pursuing astrophotography becomes more affordable, more and more amateur astronomers are investing in it and enjoying the hobby.

Amateur astronomers not only use visual astronomy techniques but also nonvisual astronomy techniques, as well, with the use of infrared filters on conventional telescopes, and also the use of radio telescopes. Some amateur astronomers use homemade radio telescopes. Others use radio telescopes that were originally built for astronomy research, but have since been made available for use by amateurs.

Amateur astronomy is a popular hobby today and is becoming more popular all the time as the price of equipment decreases. There are astronomy clubs in every part of the world.

The amateur astronomer's financial commitment to his or her hobby is usually based on two things; the degree of his or her interest and the resources available. Equipment for amateur astronomy is big business and it isn't limited just to telescopes and cameras. Astronomy software has also become big business.

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